American Standard Code for Information Interchange(ASCII) is a standard of character encoding for electronic communication. ASCII codes are universally used as a way to represent text in computers, networking equipment, and other various types of devices like IoTs and HHDs, etc.
Usually, ASCII codes are written in 8 bits binary notations in case of binary arithmetics to represent different characters including upper case and lowercase alphabets as well as special symbols.
To print the ASCII Code in C Programming language, you can use different ways.
- Take a character from the user and print ASCII of it.
- Print all ASCII values
- Print ASCII values between some range.
1. Get Character from the user and print ASCII Value of that character
void main()
int e;
char character;
printf("\n Enter a character of your choice: ");
printf("\n The ASCII value of the character you've entered is : %d",e);
One thing you should always consider while playing with ASCII is that the ASCII values of all the characters will be between 0 and 255. That’s why we need to use a loop starting at 0 and iterating up to 255 to print all characters in range 0 to 255.
For example, the following is the ASCII Table that shows ASCII of different characters and their equivalent values in a different number systems.
Below is a table for non-printable ASCII Characters.
2. To print ASCII of all characters and symbols
#include <stdio.h>
void main()
int e;
for(e = 0; e <= 255; i++){
printf("The ASCII value of %c = %d\n", e, e);
At the point when value of e is 65, it will print
The ASCII value of A = 65
3. To Print ASCII of characters in the range, one shall go with the following idea.
#include <stdio.h>
void main()
int e;
for(e = 65; e <= 90; i++){
printf("The ASCII value of %c = %d\n", e, e);
To print UPPER CASE english alphabets.
#include <stdio.h>
void main()
int e;
for(e = 97; e <= 122; i++){
printf("The ASCII value of %c = %d\n", e, e);
To print lower case english alphabets.
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